Hello guys, thanks again for coming down yesterday, I think it was a productive meeting.
Please take some time to review these images and the following information.
This image was taken at f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 2
This image was taken at f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 30"
(30" is as low as the shutter speed would go, next would be bulb)
Notice the amount of light that was let in b/c of the longer shutter speed.
This is the same exposure
Now a little faster of a shutter speed...
This exposure is f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 10"
Here is a chart to look at, notice that 30" is the slowest shutter speed.
30 or 60 would be faster, anything less probably requires a tripod.
1000 - 2000 are faster still but require a lot more light!
Now this photograph is back at the original exposure.
This image was taken at f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 2
This image has just a bit longer exposure.
This image was taken at f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 2"
Notice how it is a bit lighter than the one above?
The rest of the images are taken at f/8.0 at a shutter speed of 2"
Here are some things to keep in mind next week or while shooting on your own:
- Take a lot of pictures and move around, if you were shooting in film you might want to be more selective but because we are learning and experimenting you can only benefit from shooting more!
- Try experimenting with different aperture and shutter speed settings.
- Try experimenting with different aperture and shutter speed settings.
- Bring your camera... and make sure it is fully charged.
- Don't park in private parking lots, just kidding!
I will post some artists to look at this weekend so check back later on.
Again, well done! I am excited about working with you all!
Have a nice weekend, Chris
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